Corrections, updates, and feedback
Minor errors are a fact of life; GeeksChalk deals with them promptly and transparently. Our rich library of how-to content is routinely updated and fact-checked to ensure ongoing publication of accurate, complete, relevant, and up-to-date useful information. Following our rigorous and systematic updating and verification process, articles in our content library are date-stamped to indicate to readers that the information is complete and accurate. News articles often cover a distinct event in time and are not part of our routine update process.
At GeeksChalk, we are committed to telling readers when an error has appeared, and to correcting it. When we discover a significant error of fact we will correct the article as quickly as possible and append a correction note. All corrections will be clearly labeled, dated, and include information about what was corrected.
We welcome our readersā participation in our ongoing commitment to accuracy and fact-checking. If you believe we have published a factual error in any of our content, please let us know and we will investigate and take appropriate corrective and/or updating measures. To report a possible error of fact, please email us at [email protected]
. Our team will examine the question fairly, with an open mind, and update articles as necessary.