How to restart your MacBook with just the keyboard

Learn how to shut down, restart or put your MacBook to sleep using keyboard shortcuts.

By Chris Smith - Senior Editor
2 Min Read

Restarting your Mac is one of the most common things you’ll do to your computer. It could be to apply a new update, something that’s required after installing a new app, or even changing certain options in System Settings. Sometimes, just restarting your Mac can help improve its performance, too.

Usually, you can restart your Mac from the Apple Menu, but it’s also possible to restart by using just your keyboard if you prefer something more simple. This also can be useful if your mouse or trackpad suddenly stops working, and all that’s left for you to use on your Mac is your keyboard.

Below, we’ll show you how to shut down, restart or put your MacBook to sleep using keyboard shortcuts. It’s please note that these keyboard shortcuts will also work with desktop Macs, including the iMac, Mac mini, Mac Studio and Mac Pro.

Keyboard Shortcut to Restart a MacBook

To restart your MacBook Pro or MacBook Air using a keyboard, press Control-Command-Power button. Youll need to hold the keys for a few seconds before your Mac shuts down.

Please keep in mind that this keyboard shortcut restarts your MacBook without any further warnings, so make sure you’ve saved your work beforehand. Also, this shortcut only works for MacBooks, not desktop Macs.

How to Put Your MacBook to Sleep

To Put your Mac to sleep using a keyboard, press Option–Command–Power button or Option-Command-Media Eject .

How to Shut Down Your MacBook Using Keyboard Shortcuts

To shut down your MacBook using keyboard shortcut, press Control–Option–Command–Power button or Control-option-Command-Media Eject. Don’t hold down the power button, or you’ll force shut down your Mac; press it briefly with the other buttons instead. This will quit all apps, then shut down your Mac. If any open documents have unsaved changes, you will be asked whether you want to save them.

How to Restart a MacBook Without Pressing the Power Button

To restart your MacBook without pressing the power button, choose Apple menu > Restart.

Bonus Keyboard Shortcut to restart your Mac

Press Control–Power button* or Control-Media Eject. This keyboard shortcut will display a dialog asking whether you want to restart, sleep, or shut down your Mac.


Restarting your MacBook using the keyboard may not be the most intuitive way to do it, but it does make things a lot easier if your mouse or trackpad isn’t working properly or you simply don’t have access to one for whatever reason. All these methods will serve you just fine without needing a mouse or trackpad, and even if you have one, sometimes it can be faster to use your keyboard.

Senior Editor
Chris Smith is a senior editor at GeeksChalk based in Canada. He likes to think of himself as a jack of all trades (and a master of at least a few), though he mainly focuses on iPhones and Macs. Often covering both at the same time. When not surrounded by various Apple devices while putting them through their paces, Chris can be found streaming the latest movies or series, gaming on his PS5, or getting fresh air on a hike in the beautiful wilderness of British Columbia.
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