How many times have you sung the wrong lyrics to a song? We all do it. We sing along with what we think they’re saying and often find out we’re wrong. And many times, it’s laughable at what we thought the words were.
If you really want to know the lyrics to a song, whether to sing along or just out of curiosity, you can do this easily with the Spotify app.
In this article, we will tell you how to view lyrics in the Spotify app on iPhone, iPad and Mac. First off, the answers to a couple of common questions:
- Q: Does Spotify have a karaoke mode?
- A: For many songs, you can view the lyrics, and they will be highlighted and scroll as the song progresses. So, yes, Spotify has a karaoke mode, but it’s just called Lyrics.
- Q: Do you need Spotify Premium for lyrics?
- A: Nope. However, there’s a monthly limit on lyrics for free users.
Now, with all that sorted, let us go through the steps to view Spotify lyrics on iPhone, iPad, and Mac.
How to enable lyrics on Spotify
View song lyrics in Spotify on iPhone or iPad
- Open the Spotify app on your iPhone or iPad.
- Play a song from the Spotify catalog.
- At the bottom of the screen, tap the song that’s playing to open the Now Playing View.
- You should see Lyrics on the screen.
- To view lyrics in full screen, tap Show Lyrics button in the middle of your screen. Note: This option is available until you’ve reached your monthly limit.
- The words will be highlighted and scroll as the song progresses. freely.
View song lyrics in Spotify on Mac
- Open the Spotify app on your Mac.
- Play a song from the Spotify catalog.
- Near the bottom of the window, click the Microphone (Lyrics) button.
- The lyrics will scroll, and words will be highlighted to assist you in singing along.
Spotify lyrics not showing
If Spotify says “Couldn’t load the lyrics for this song,” it could be due to the following:
- Lyrics aren’t available for that particular song. New lyrics are added every day, so you may find what you’re looking for in the future.
- You are using Spotify free. Spotify free offers limited access to lyrics. Unlimited access is currently only available on Premium.
If you were already able to see song’s lyrics but they have disappeared:
- Make sure your device is connected to the Internet and try viewing the lyrics again.