
The iPhone is a smartphone made by Apple that combines a computer, iPod, digital camera and cellular phone into one device with a touchscreen interface. The iPhone runs the iOS operating system.

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Is Potential Spam Calling You? What Does That Mean?

Learn what Potential Spam calls mean and what you can do to avoid them on…

How to stop spam calendar events on iPhone

When it comes to managing our lives, the iPhone calendar is a great way to…

Where Are Your iPhone’s Microphones Located? All Models Explained

Quickly master the location of microphones on your iPhone

Interesting iPhone facts you didn’t know

In this feature, we aim to explore some of the interesting facts about iPhone most…

iPhone not receiving SMS messages? Here’s how to fix it

While using your iPhone, you may notice unexpected SMS text messaging behavior where you can't…

What Does SOS or SOS Only Mean on iPhone? Here’s the truth!

A couple of readers got in touch with me the other day wondering why their…

iPhone System Haptics, What They are, Turn On or Off

A guide to haptics, the technology that makes your iPhone vibrate, shake, and more

Apple CarPlay GPS Not Working, Showing Wrong Location: Fix

Problems with CarPlay GPS can make navigation unusable. We describe how to fix things when…

Can I text someone I blocked on iPhone? Here’s the truth

We answer your questions about sending and receiving texts from blocked numbers or contacts on…

iPhone Bluetooth Keeps Disconnecting in iOS 18? How to Fix

Easily fix iOS 18 Bluetooth connectivity issues